FRIDAY FEEDBACK 2,000 word assessment
Now Available!
Named after my popular session with my Write Squad Community group, this service provides you with feedback on up to 2,000 words of your manuscript.
You will receive a fully marked up document in return as well as suggestions and constructive feedback on what's working well and where you can improve.
You will be required to submit your 2,000 words plus a short description of your story, genre you are writing in along with context for the scene you are submitting.
Now Available!
Named after my popular session with my Write Squad Community group, this service provides you with feedback on up to 2,000 words of your manuscript.
You will receive a fully marked up document in return as well as suggestions and constructive feedback on what's working well and where you can improve.
You will be required to submit your 2,000 words plus a short description of your story, genre you are writing in along with context for the scene you are submitting.
Now Available!
Named after my popular session with my Write Squad Community group, this service provides you with feedback on up to 2,000 words of your manuscript.
You will receive a fully marked up document in return as well as suggestions and constructive feedback on what's working well and where you can improve.
You will be required to submit your 2,000 words plus a short description of your story, genre you are writing in along with context for the scene you are submitting.